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About the project

25x25 is a network and campaign aimed at diversifying city leadership through a just and equitable transition education programme. 


It is focused on racial equity via abolition frameworks and addresses complex problems, enterprise and systemic change. The programme aims to develop a sustainable ecosystem which leverages innovation and transformational change for historically marginalised groups including AAMG (African, Asian & Minoritised Groups) leadership in positions of influence, impacting city-wide strategic development, organisational business planning and public narratives. 


25x25 further aims to implement personal and organisational development programmes that facilitate leadership capacity and fulfilment in people from AAMG communities. To create the conditions for this through outputs including:

  • The creation of a distributed eco-system which connects civil society organisations and communities working across the city to this aim         

  • A leadership programme facilitating AAMG people to enter leadership positions of influence         

  • A public sense-making campaign building awareness, narrative and capacity to engage in the systemic lock-ins which underpin structural racism and to celebrate good work being done 


This work will be delivered through a coherent, distributed and equitable network of cross-sector partnerships stretching from communities and neighbourhoods to education settings and board rooms across the fabric of the city.


It engages with the ‘systemic lock-ins’ which underpin structural racism and offers a proportionate, proactive and holistic response to low levels of influence by AAMG people in decision making.

Partner organisations

Principles of Success, VAS, Sadacca

People working on this project

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Latest updates

This September, we will hold two workshops exploring the Future of Leadership in Sheffield - we invite individuals who are eager to lead the transformation of Sheffield, and who identify as Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic, Refugee (BAMER)/Person of Colour (POC) to join us:

12 August 2024

The "Emerging Futures (transformational learning spaces)" stakeholder meeting took place at Sadacca on 1 May.

1 May 2024

Photo credit: Rachel Rae

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